Amidst the aftermath of the genocide against Tutsis, many single mothers, widows, and their children endure the burdens of abuse, poverty, and the haunting shadows of trauma. This project emerges as a lifeline, addressing the staggering challenges of those who have suffered and providing them with a path towards reclaiming their lives. Additionally, we extend our support to men from the Gideons Generals for Christ group who seek to provide for their families but lack the necessary skills. Our Vocational Training Center aims to empower these individuals with practical skills that can enable them to build brighter futures.
The heart of this initiative beats for those left grappling with the aftermath of the genocide and ongoing abuse. For single mothers, widows, and their children who dropped out of school due to trauma and poverty, this center is a beacon of hope. Our curriculum encompasses a diverse set of skills including sewing, netting, welding, carpentry, painting, hairdressing, and garden beautification. As we embark on this endeavor, we acknowledge the invaluable support of Pam Prince, who has provided essential sewing and netting machines to initiate this training. Operational Requirements: To ensure the success of this training center, we require dedicated personnel. Specifically, we need two teachers—one for sewing and another for netting. Additionally, a watchman and coordinator are indispensable to the smooth operation of the center.
Monthly Salaries:
Teachers: $150 x 2 = $300
Watchman: $100
Coordinator: $180
Location and Expansion:
This vocational training school will find its home at Nyarutarama Church in Gicumbi District, Northern Province. As materials become available and support grows, our vision is to extend the reach of this training to benefit even more individuals seeking to rebuild their lives through acquired skills.
We invite you to be part of this journey towards empowerment and transformation. Your contribution, whether through financial support, expertise, or spreading awareness, will play an instrumental role in offering these survivors and families a chance to break free from the cycle of poverty and trauma. Together, let's nurture resilience, hope, and the promise of a brighter future through education and skill development.