The devastating genocide against Tutsis in 1994 has left Rwanda scarred with deep emotional wounds that continue to affect individuals – men, women, and children. The legacy of broken families, children prematurely shouldering adult responsibilities, and the burden of trauma still weighs heavily. The aftermath extends to the present day, with survivors and perpetrators alike grappling with shame, self-judgment, and shattered self-esteem. Recognizing the individual and collective damage, we initiated self-supportive groups to bridge reconciliation, unity, and healing among affected parties. In this vein, we envision the creation of the "More New Life" Psycho-Social Healing Center, a refuge for Rwandans of all generations to embark on a transformative journey towards healing.
The "More New Life" center aims to be a haven of emotional restoration, offering Rwandans a safe environment to express their feelings and engage in diverse therapeutic practices. Our team of counselors and specialists will facilitate individual and group sessions, providing professional guidance and support. Interactive activities and therapeutic games will complement counseling, aiding participants in their path to mend the wounds of the past.
Budget and Progress:
The realization of the "More New Life" center is an endeavor that requires a budget of $150,000. This funding will be allocated to the construction of the center and the provision of essential resources for its operation. As we collaborate with architects to design a space that fosters healing, we are committed to addressing the emotional needs of Rwandans seeking reconciliation and a renewed sense of self.
We invite you to be part of this vital initiative. Your contribution, whether through financial support, advocacy, or spreading awareness, will help manifest the "More New Life" Psycho-Social Healing Center. Together, we can create a haven where Rwandans can find solace, embrace resilience, and build a future free from the burden of past trauma. Join us on this transformative journey of healing and unity.